Desoldering & Rework Equipment
At EIS, we provide Soldering and Rework Equipment of various types and styles designed to meet your specific organizational needs. Desoldering and Rework Equipment is essential for electronics repair and maintenance. These tools help to remove solder from components and circuit boards safely, allowing for easy replacement or repair. We provide soldering stations, hot-air rework systems, reflow/rework systems and pre-heaters, manual desoldering pumps, and SMD removal; from the hobby level to high-volume desoldering operations. Whether for professional use or for the general hobbyist, at EIS we have the Soldering and Rework tools and supplies you'll need to get the job done. At EIS, we provide Desoldering and Rework Equipment from the industry's leading suppliers. For more information, browse our selection of Soldering and Rework tools below!