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Find the Perfect Cleaner for Your Toughest Printed Circuit Board Cleaning Challenges

The MicroCare System and Why Cleaning Is Important

Benchtop cleaning is an important step in the assembly of printed circuit boards. Whether it be during initial manufacture or post-reflow assembly, it is critical that PCBs are properly cleaned before moving on to the next step in the manufacturing process. Flux residues are the primary contaminant, although there are many others such as adhesives, finger residue or other materials that should be removed for product reliability.

Particularly with increasingly dense PCB designs that use delicate component packages with reduced stand-off height, selecting the correct fluids and cleaning methods to match the job carries greater importance. MicroCare specializes in high reliability cleaners and combined with the TriggerGrip™ Dispensing Tool, offers the best solutions for benchtop cleaning applications.

The most popular of the aerosol flux removal solutions follow here, but for an overview of other solutions from MicroCare such as Cleaning Pens, Pre-saturated Wipes, and Pump Sprays, download the complete MicroCare Cleaning Guide.

NONFLAMMABLE Flux Removers - For Better Safety

General Purpose Flux Remover C and SuprClean™ Heavy Duty Flux Remover are two very popular non-flammable flux removers.  They offer more safety and superior cleaning capabilities on a wide variety of fluxes and other PCB contaminants.  To review other recommended MicroCare cleaning solutions, download the complete MicroCare Cleaning Guide.

General Purpose Flux Remover C

Best on No Clean, Rosin, and Water soluble fluxes.

  • Drying Speed: Fast
  • Cleaning strength: 25 Kb (medium)
  • Odor: Low
  • Plastic Safe: Test
  • VOC Content: 590 g/L

SuprClean™ Heavy Duty   

Best on Lead-Free alloys and wide variety of flux types.

  • Drying Speed: Fast
  • Cleaning Strength: 115 Kb (Very Strong)
  • Odor: Low
  • Plastic Safe: Not Likely
  • VOC Content: 1,080 g/L

FLAMMABLE Flux Removers - For Lower Cost

Flammable flux removers contain alcohol and offer a good balance between performance and cost. MicroCare offers various flux removers in the flammable category with a few more popular formulas highlighted here.  VeriClean™ No Clean, IsoClean™ IPA-Based, ProClean™ Alcohol-Enhanced, and the eco-friendly UltraClean™ VOC-Free  are proven performers. To review other recommended MicroCare cleaning solutions, download the complete MicroCare Cleaning Guide.

VeriClean™ No Clean

Best on No Clean fluxes

  • Drying Speed: Fast
  • Cleaning strength: 18Kb (mild)
  • Odor: Slight
  • Plastic Safe: Yes
  • VOC Content: 87 g/L

IsoClean™ IPA-Based   

Best on No Clean, Rosin, Water Soluble fluxes

  • Drying Speed: Medium
  • Cleaning Strength: 30 Kb (Mild)
  • Odor: Alcohol
  • Plastic Safe: Yes
  • VOC Content: 785 g/L

ProClean™ Alcohol-Enhanced   

Best on No Clean, Rosin, Water Soluble fluxes

  • Drying Speed: Slow
  • Cleaning Strength: 45 Kb (Medium)
  • Odor: Alcohol
  • Plastic Safe: Yes
  • VOC Content: 785 g/L

UltraClean™ VOC-Free 

Best on Lead Free alloys with No Clean fluxes

  • Drying Speed: Medium
  • Cleaning Strength: 56 Kb (Strong)
  • Odor: Low
  • Plastic Safe: Test
  • VOC Content: 0 g/L

How Do I Use the TriggerGrip™ System?

Companies around the globe have selected the TriggerGrip™ cleaning system for their benchtop cleaning. Here are the simple steps that will produce great results when cleaning with the MCC-ESD TriggerGrip™.

  • Wet. First, hold the PCB at a slight angle, supporting it on a workbench or tabletop. Position the area to be cleaned on the lowest side. Spray a small amount of cleaning fluid on to the board, wetting the surface.
  • Scrub. Gently scrub the board with the TriggerGrip™ system. A little squirt every now and then will help loosen the grime; there is no need to spray continuously.
  • Rinse. Once the contamination is dissolved, briefly spray and rinse the board. Rinsing off on to a lint-free wipes shows the flux residues clearly, helping techs to be sure they have cleaned properly.
  • Dry. After rinsing, gently shake the board to dry it quickly. For slow-drying solvents, expedite drying with a gentle squirt of compressed air or by absorbing the liquid into a lint-free wipe.